
FinScan Custom Services Wrapper v6.11.0.1, Last Updated July 23, 2024

POST wrapper/lookup

(SLLookup) Performs Compliance Screening and returns current Status

POST wrapper/multi/lookup

(SLLookupMulti) Performs Compliance Screening for multiple Clients and returns current Status

POST wrapper/multi/networklookup

(SLLookupMultiNetwork) Performs Compliance Screening for multiple Clients, creates/updates a Client Network, and returns current Status

POST wrapper/clients/status

(SLGetStatus) Get Current Status of a Client as returned by the Custom FinScan Wrapper

POST wrapper/clients/update

(SLUpdateClient) Update the information for a Client Record

POST wrapper/clients/updateid

(SLUpdateClientId) Update the information for a Client Record

POST wrapper/image/lookup

(SLImageLookup) Performs Image Validation, Compliance Screening, and returns Current Status

GET wrapper/ping

(SLPing) Returns the FinScan Web Services and Wrapper versions and verifies they are running

POST wrapper/ping

(SLPing) Returns the FinScan Web Services and Wrapper versions and verifies they are running

POST wrapper/rescreen

(SLRescreen) Rescreens a Client record and returns Current Status.

POST wrapper/pairs/update

(SLUpdatePairs) Updates the Status/Reason/Comment for existing Matches returned by a call to SLLookup. This function cannot be multi-threaded for a single user, multiple users must be used in order to run multiple threads (one user per thread)

POST wrapper/payment

(SLPayment) Processes a Generic Payment, screening the different Names/Banks/Currency within the Payment and returns current Status.

POST wrapper/PaymentAPI

(SLPaymentAPI) Processes a Generic Payment, screening the different Names/Banks/Currency within the Payment and returns current Status.

POST wrapper/pairs/get

(SLGetUpdatedClients) Returns the Clients with Matches that have been updated within a Time period.

POST wrapper/transactions/get

(SLGetUpdatedTransactions) Returns the Transactions with Matches that have been updated within a Time period.

POST wrapper/transactions/update

(SLUpdatePaymentExceptions) Updates the Status of a Payment Exception.

POST wrapper/client/delete

(SLDeleteClient) Permanently Deletes a Client Record within FinScan.

POST wrapper/user/get

(SLUserGet) Gets the details for a User in a FinScan Organization

POST wrapper/user/add

(SLUserAdd) Adds a new User to a FinScan Organization

POST wrapper/user/update

(SLUserUpdate) Updates a User within a FinScan Organization

POST wrapper/user/getall

(SLUserGetAll) Gets the Users for a FinScan Organization

POST wrapper/network/create

(SLNetworkCreate) Creates a Network within a FinScan Organization

POST wrapper/network/delete

(SLNetworkDelete) Deletes a Network within a FinScan Organization

POST wrapper/network/add

(SLNetworkMemberAdd) Adds a Client to an existing Network

POST wrapper/network/remove

(SLNetworkMemberRemove) Removes a Client from an existing Network

POST wrapper/group/get

(SLGroupGet) Gets the details for a Group within a FinScan Organization

POST wrapper/group/create

(SLGroupCreate) Creates a Group within a FinScan Organization

POST wrapper/group/update

(SLGroupUpdate) Updates a Group within a FinScan Organization

POST wrapper/group/delete

(SLGroupDelete) Deletes a Group within a FinScan Organization

POST wrapper/list/add

(SLListRecordAdd) Adds a new Record to a Compliance List

POST wrapper/list/update

(SLListRecordUpdate) Updates a Record within a Compliance List

POST wrapper/list/delete

(SLListRecordDelete) Deletes a Record from a Compliance List

POST wrapper/client/get

(SLClientGet) Retrieves the details for a Client Record

POST wrapper/paymentapi/cancel

(SLPaymentAPICancel) Attempts to Cancel a Previous Transaction.

POST wrapper/admin

(SLAdmin) ISI Reserved Function.